Credit card declining

Usually, a credit card declines because the billing address entered during checkout does not match the address where your credit card statement is mailed. Please look at your credit card statement to see where it is being mailed. Use that exact mailing address as the billing address during checkout. Ensure the zipcode also matches the address where your credit card statement is mailed. You many use whatever shipping address you would like.
Also ensure you are entering the correct CVV. This is the 3 digit code found on the back of our credit card.
If multiple attempts are made to use a credit card, the transactions will begin to automatically decline. Ensure you have the correct information and try again in 24-hours. Optionally, try checking out through the  PayPal link using your credit card.  It uses different criteria and will often allow transactions to go through that our regular credit card processor will not. We ask that you try this prior to contacting us for assistance.

Feb 7, 2024

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