Contact Information

  • Can I call you?

    Good question! We don't have the capacity for live phone support and working online can help us help you more quickly and efficiently. Plus, many questions can be answered by our automated help system. We do have a messaging system number that you can leave voice messages at if you do not have an...
  • Contact Informaiton

    Adaptive Tech Solutions 1071 Chickasaw Rd. Sand Springs, OK 74063 1-918-637-7390 voice messaging system Email: ATsupport[at] (Replace [at] with the @ symbol
  • Our email address

    Because of the high number of spam messages generated when our email is publicly published, we do not have a clickable link listed on our website. Our email address is ATsupport(at) For quickest response, please use this customer support system to send us a message with ...
  • Why haven't I heard back?

    At Adaptive Tech Solutions, we strive to provide prompt and efficient customer care services to assist you with any inquiries or issues you may have. However, we understand that sometimes our responses may not reach you as expected. In this article, we will address some common issues related to o...