Purchase Order Submission

We accept purchase orders from hospitals, schools, government agencies, and select pre-approved entities within the US and Canada. Please contact us if you are unsure if your company falls within our guidelines.

Important! For new submitters or to update your account annually (or sooner if needed), please complete the Customer Information Form before submitting your PO to us. (Be sure to remember the email address you entered as yours when completing the Customer Info Form. This will be used on the next step if you do not already have an account with us.)

For your convenience, we now accept POs through our website!
  1. If you do not have an account, click the blue 'Create an account" button to create one. Use your email address that you used to complete the Customer Info Form as your login email. If these do not match, you will not be able to submit your PO order to us.
  2. Add items to your cart.
  3. Click the orange 'Proceed to Checkout' button.
  4. Log into your account.
  5. Choose Purchase Order as the payment method during checkout. You will then see the link to upload your PO.

Optionally, you can also upload your sales tax exemption form when placing your PO order online. Please note that the tax exemption form is only needed if you are shipping an order to Oklahoma. If you are tax exempt and shipping to OK, we MUST have your exemption on file for your email address BEFORE you place your order or create a quote. Otherwise, you will have tax added.

If we do not have enough stock for you to submit your order, please contact us for assistance. 

Other ways to get your PO to us: Mailing it to us: Adaptive Tech Solutions 1071 Chickasaw Rd. Sand Springs, OK 74063 Emailing it to us at ATsupport(*at)AdaptiveTechSolutions.com (*Replace with @ symbol)

Once we receive your PO with all the info shown below, we ask that you allow up to 10 business days for your PO to be vetted and products adapted before it ships.

Please ensure your PO includes the following: Omission of required information (shown below) will delay processing.

  • Correct shipping amount (or a notation to add shipping & bill)
  • Signature of an authorized purchaser required if PO amount >$500.
  • Net 30 terms must be listed on the PO. (Or other terms that have been agreed upon by us in writing.)
  • Prices/payments in USD and PO written in English.
  • Full shipping address.
  • If you have a valid quote, please send it along with your PO form so we can honor those prices.

    If you are needing a printed quote:

    1. Add desired products to the cart.
    2. View the cart and input your shipping details.
    3. Choose your preferred shipping.
    4. Update your quote to confirm shipping.
    5. Click the Print A Quote button.

    If the quote is larger than our online quote system will handle, or you need other assistance with your quote please contact us.

    Important! Resubmitting a PO: If a PO is being re-submitted to us for any reason (revision to a PO, not sure if PO has been received, etc.,) you must clearly write "DO NOT DUPLICATE" or "REVISED PO" at the top of the resubmitted PO form. Placing this information only in the body of an email or the cover sheet of a revised PO may result in the order being duplicated since only the attachment is printed off by our system.

    Likewise, sending the same PO via more than one method of delivery (email, mail, etc.) may result in duplicate orders. The customer will be responsible for all shipping charges and return fees in these instances.

    Our tax ID is 90-1209705. We are an LLC sub-S.

    Our contact information for sales and remittances is: Adaptive Tech Solutions Jana Gundy, care team member Email: ATsupport(*at)AdaptiveTechSolutions.com (*Replace with @ symbol) 1071 Chickasaw Rd. Sand Springs, OK 74063 1-918-637-7390 voice messaging system

    Mailing/Remittance address: Adaptive Tech Solutions 1071 Chickasaw Rd Sand Springs, OK 74063

    ACH Payments: If you wish to pay via ACH, please contact us for details.Please note we will authorize ACH credits, but not ACH debits.

    Click here to access our completed w-9. Click here to download our CA Form 587. Click here to download our 889 Certification Form. Click here to download our TX Felony Affidavit Form. Click here to download our CIF Form.

    NJ Business Certificate is not required per the guidelines below: A NJ Business Registration Certification is not required when:

  • The business has no physical presence in NJ and
  • the value of a single contract with the contractor is less than 15 percent of the contracting agency’s bid threshold; or
  • the aggregate amount of contracts with the contractor during a fiscal year, is less than 15 percent of the contracting agency’s bid threshold.
  • Sales tax is not applied to orders shipping outside Oklahoma. If you are a tax exempt organization shipping to Oklahoma, please create an account on our site, then fax your proof of tax exempt status to us at 1-866-516-8160 or attach it to a message in our chat portal by clicking the (?) at the bottom of our website. Submit this before you place an order with us. Also, on your correspondence, please write the email address you used to establish your online account with us.

    We will flag your account as tax exempt so all future quotes and orders will not have sales tax applied. This exemption is linked directly to the email address used to establish the account. If another person from your organization wishes to establish an account, we will need to be notified so we can flag their account as well.

    Invoicing: We email invoices. If required to mail instaed, we will send a single invoice. We do not provide duplicate, triplicate, etc.

    Discount coupon codes cannot be used on Purchase Orders.

    Terms are NET 30. Overdue accounts will be assessed a late fee equivalent to 12% APR. Those who wish to pay with a credit card or PayPal after utilizing NET TERMS will be subject to a 3.5% domestic or 5% international net terms convenience fee. Duties and taxes for orders shipping to Canada are the customer's responsibility.

    Using Your Shipping Account: We do not ship using a customer's shipping account or customs broker. We are happy to put broker name and phone on the shipping label if your PO shows it as part of the shipping address. We will send you an email with the Waybill number that you can give to your broker.

    By submitting a PO to us, you are agreeing to the above terms. These terms supercede any terms or provisions that may be written on your organization's PO or attachments therein.

    Jun 20, 2024

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